Daredevil (Vol 1 1964) Issues 301-350

In Daredevil Issues 301-350, the narrative baton is carried by writers D.G Chichester, Gregory Wright, Alan Smithee, and J.M DeMatteis, with the artistic efforts of Scott McDaniel, Chris Ivy, Bud LaRosa, and Tom Grindberg among others enhancing the visual storytelling. During this period, Chichester's creative direction continues to delve into complex character studies and layered plots that challenge Daredevil’s ethics and resilience. The dynamic and kinetic artwork by McDaniel, coupled with the strong inking by Ivy and LaRosa, captures the intense action and emotional depth of the series. Contributions from Wright, Smithee, and DeMatteis introduce fresh themes and conflicts. Key issues include;

#310 - 1st cover appearance of Calypso
#321 - 1st appearance of Daredevil's black armor